In a groundbreaking medical achievement, doctors at Fortis Escorts Hospital, Okhla, have successfully treated a 6-year-old boy from Uzbekistan diagnosed with Bilateral Wilms Tumour (nephroblastoma), a rare and complex form of pediatric kidney cancer. Despite undergoing chemotherapy in Uzbekistan, the boy’s condition remained critical, with tumours affecting both kidneys. His parents, seeking advanced treatment options, brought him to India, where an expert team, led by Dr. Paresh Jain, Director of Urology & Kidney Transplantation, performed an intricate and life-saving kidney auto-transplant procedure.
The surgery, which lasted for eight hours, was a success, and the boy made a swift recovery without complications. Dr. Jain emphasized the rarity of this case, noting that only 16 similar cases have been documented in world literature, none of them in India. First time bilateral wilms tumor managed with Auto transplantation done in India. Wilms tumour, typically diagnosed in children aged 3-4, is already difficult to treat due to its complexity, but when bilateral (affecting both kidneys), it becomes an even more critical challenge. If left untreated, it can be life-threatening.
The boy had initially received chemotherapy in Uzbekistan but continued to face poor survival prospects. Upon arrival at Fortis Escorts, Okhla, the medical team performed a two-stage procedure. In the first stage, they partially removed the right kidney and conducted a biopsy of the left kidney. The second stage involved a kidney auto-transplant to safely remove the tumour while preserving kidney function.
Dr. Jain further explained the uniqueness of the procedure: “Globally, similar surgeries are rarely done laparoscopically and usually require two separate teams—one for pediatric oncosurgery and another for kidney transplantation. In this case, however, both complex procedures were successfully performed by a single specialized team, demonstrating exceptional surgical expertise and coordination. The decision to avoid maternal kidney donation was crucial in preserving the mother’s health and kidney function, eliminating the need for lifelong immunosuppressive drugs and reducing the associated financial burden.”
The boy’s mother expressed immense gratitude, stating, “We came to India with hope after our son’s condition did not improve in Uzbekistan. The doctors at Fortis gave us the confidence that our son would recover. We are deeply thankful to Dr. Paresh Jain and the entire medical team for their dedication and for saving our son’s life. He is now back to playing and smiling, and we are beyond grateful for this second chance.”
Dr. Vikram Aggarwal, Facility Director of Fortis Escorts, Okhla, added, “This case is a milestone for India, marking the country’s first reported successful surgical intervention for bilateral Wilms tumour. It highlights our hospital’s leadership in providing multidisciplinary care. The success of this challenging procedure is a testament to the expertise, precision, and collaboration of our medical team.”
This landmark surgery underscores Fortis Escorts’ commitment to advancing complex pediatric care and offering hope to families facing life-threatening conditions.