Quality healthcare is a continuous need in our life. Healthcare, as we understand, is a service provided by a medical practitioner based on consumer needs. It is a similar service to our phone, electricity, and water which are maintained to our satisfaction.
It looks simple, so why is healthcare so complicated, costly, and full of mistrust. To find an answer I decided to look at how some of my other services reach me and get some clues.
Let’s look at electricity: You get electricity service based on a per-unit consumption. The power you consume comes to you by following a full chain of generation, distribution, and metering. Various touch points have their own associated costs. You get a single bill with details on the price you are paying for multiple touch-points of generation, distribution, and metering. Everything has proper codes and explanations at the rate you agreed to pay. We see a few important features here, a well-defined service with a delivery model and associated cost with a clear understanding of what you get and what you are expected to pay for it. Price reduced by improving the delivery mechanism with lower overheads, identification of cheaper sources of generation and better metering mechanism with less wastage, and to top it off, the constant awareness of money and environmental benefits to consumers for using low energy managed devices.
With the innovation in smartphones, AI, internet connectivity at everybody’s tip, and efficiency brought by cashless transactions, remote monitoring, and remote delivery of service, modern thin and very simple but smart platforms where healthcare service providers can provide efficient services with no overhead.